St. Martin’s a coral island having about 13 sq.km area with an average height of 5 feet from the sea-level is like a “Floating Lotus Leaf” on the blue bosom of the north Bay of Bengal along with an islet called “Chhera Dwep” at a distance of about 9 nautical miles from the tip of cox’s bazaar-Teknaf peninsula within Bangladesh water limit formed the southernmost part of Bangladesh is full of herbs, creepers & bushes having with about 182 species of wild lives & birds. The main vegetation are coconut trees, betel nut & bamboos in the island but specially, for the abundance of coconut trees the local name of the island is “Narikel Jinjira”. Visitors can collect sea-shells & oysters from the beach & even sometimes living corals can be found in the reef at the time of ebb-tide. Mostly, the local people are fisherman & they have lots of fishing experience in different seasons in the sea. So at night time visitors may pass their idle time exclusively with them & have nice & colorful experience of their fishing & family life.